Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Make Peace

Old are we; now,
Without knowing anything-
Without changing state of mind
Now be brave,
So that we can overcome our
Defiled mind,
Old are we; now,
Without awareness,
Without peace in mind,
Now feel young-
To know the truth
And to make-
The Mind peace and calm.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Greatest happiness is in being lonely; when we are alone we learn the main meaning of our wonderful life. We know that there is great beauty in loneliness, we learn to appreciate the beauty of nature and we see joy in everything that we come across. We talk to our self deciding what we need in our life. We watch our self with full concentration-then we know the true state of our self. the main thing in being self is that we can increase our trust, love, fate and will be kind to our self, no matter what - when we are alone we understand every being. We are in meaningful state when we are alone- where we can know; we can watch and can give time to our self. Then we can judge our thought whether it is wrong or right and we can analyses the real meaning of our life without forgetting the main ways of truth.

We know everything and do wrong things
We are aware what the truth is but understand nothing
We say the things as beautiful but we are in wrong ways
Living in the mindfulness with thoughts of well being
And creating good thought of living...
It is great that we are within our track of thought.
Happiness is what we are forgetting in our ways of living
It is great if we are mindful enough to know the things around us
We made no difference in our thought and in living.

Without any thought of uneasiness
But with great thought of well being
And thought of truth when we are living
We get nothing if we understand nothing
Great are those; understand and are aware
Those who trust themselves
Those love themselves
Those have fate in themselves
And who are kind to all living beings
So do all; have the power to know the truth

Loving and compassion to all
Means the love and kindness to self
No wonder that there will be happiness
And the ways will be perfect for all

We create no difference but we do the things that are not appreciated by any one; we do the things that are not in reality and we do mistake by and then without any second thought. We wonder that our ways are not in appropriate to any one so all does the same mistake again and again.

Thought without wellbeing is like an illness without cure... it is not up to what we think but it is like the deed that we had in our past life. We make no ways to learn the truth with love and kindness to all...
We learn the things that are not enough to know the truth in our life i.e. filled with suffering, what we learn and do is just our thought that make us know the ways of our meaningful life. Kindly if we learn the main truth of this thin life, we shall learn to realize the truth of living.

The main thing that we have to know is that life is filled with suffering:
Know the truth my mate;
This life is only filled with suffering
No time is there for happiness and not things call joy,
We enjoy the untruth enjoyment
So we fail to know and realize the truth…

I am just a foolish, who just know how to talk on what is not in the reality. But things may change its way towards the meaningful world with something new to know the truth, so we can change the world for good. Death is always with us, as we are born with it! Nothing can stop the death; nothing, nothing.
Have a faith on everything that we do and that we are for, things may change with its own ways but it is our faith that we have to rely on.

I wear true cloth of mindfulness,
With love and kindness, and compassion in heart,
Whatever I wear; I wear true realization of samsara.
What others see me wearing?
Is just illusion of their eyes?
But truly I wear;
The perfect wisdom of truth,
Now unshakable, is my mind,
With truth of samsara,
And true realization of wisdom,
So is power of peace.
With perfect wisdom of peace.

Indeed we are made of non-we
So why cling to it.
If we split all parts,
We know it is not there,
So why cling to our appearance,
Because beauty has its ugliness!

Now a day’s all think that one have to undergo evil doing to be happy and to successful in the life, but it is not true. We are taken over by our negative thought, so we say and think this way without realizing the truth of living.
I am wondering why we are always like that, without any thought that has the truth of making the world perfect indeed. Why not make the world perfect with true thought of power.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Silence speaks true acumen,
Silence, I am with its wisdom,
Wonder not, it has great beauty.
No man; without silence,
Shall not understand the true insight!
Silence has the wonder of living
And joy of loneliness,
So peace with wisdom gives us,
Thought of great beauty!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


If we run from self
We learn nothing -to purify self.
If we don’t analyze- the words of great men,
We may crash to the wall of nothingness.
If we want to learn the truth,
Just learn the self in loneliness.
And accept loneliness.
Because it is courage;
Courage to know self,
Courage to trust self,
Courage to love self,
Courage to learn defilement
And the courage to love and trust to others,
If we don’t learn now
Tomorrow may be too late.
And we shall be in the realm of darkness.
But don’t cling too much on self, it leads us nowhere.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Just opening the book-
Without any knowledge in it,
Just sitting with the -
Thought of learning,
But when going through,
There is no truth indeed
Just fooling self with-
Outer knowledge
With words on words,
All it says, “It is great”
But it is not function of truth.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Discontentment is an angry person,
With malice and sleepless night.
A person overwhelmed with anger,
Destroys his affluence and status.
No relatives, friends and colleagues,
Will be blissful with him,
An angry man destroys all the things,
Without getting any benefit.
A man subjugated by anger sees no light,
So is in mass of darkness.
He suffers as if burned by fire,
And takes pleasure in bad deeds,
Without realizing the truth.
And anger inflames the mind without
Any reverent light from the world.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


When your head is on-
to the dreaming world,
and you about to sleep,
do not forget the acts, thoughts and words-
of your morning till you are-
now to do.
Do not forget the greatest gift-
of perfect personality,
and do offer your respect
and precious lamp of your life.
When thousand around you-
are in deep sleep,
awake and thank all the beings-
for their great compassion,
and start with your new life.
Do not think about future,
nor worry about past deeds,
just be in present and enjoy the moment.
Have heart of loving-kindness,
and feel the world around,
then you shall realize the-
truth of your happiness and living.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Right judgment is strength of god

To make decision is most essential work of all, including top executive and students. It is one of the toughest and riskiest, as decision is needed in all situations that arises in our life and decision should depend on our own mind; which may be one of the main and worst enemies while making important decision. Some time we make a decision that is not effective or fault decision; this fault lies not in making decision, but in the mind of decision maker.
In business; if we make erroneous decision it will lead to distraction, there will be no much development, and also it will prove that we are not capable of being perfect decision maker. So, no success can be seen in our steps of career and in the activities of our life. What we did was perfect, is due to perfect decision. What we are going to do will be smooth if we plan and make the decision with perfect thought. If so, future will be in our hand and there will be no obstacle in the ways of success.
It is said, “The clearer an object appears, the closer we judge it to be. The fuzzier it appears, the farther away we assume it must be.” This wisdom of a great man can help us to make a continuous stream of judgments that are required to navigate the world of Dark Age. Yet we can understand the situation, that are to be taken and rejected when we are about to make the decision. It appears so simple, but it is the great strength of our living. There should be the great patience that endures the highest goal in our life. There has to be power of listening to all whether he or she may be our employee. And raise no ego; it will turn the perfect situation into worst than anything in this world of business. Remember, decision is our greatest measuring instrument of success, it is our strength of wealth and it is our weapon to destroy the obstacle. Now to make perfect decision there should be following techniques in our mind:
Create an objective and always remind about it.
Listen to the views of the people around us and seek advice.
Always have positive attitude towards the situation.
Examine the mistake and learn from it.
Be patient and think
There are more than thousand techniques, but these are the five main points that can make us good decision makers. If we can understand the ways taken by the wise man, and learn the things that they have taken then we will know the main truth of their success. To make our plan successful and effective, we should have the foundation of making the perfect decision. It is our right decision that will lead us to achieve the top planed activities. It is our decision that should be strong and effective, so that we can be proud of what we have thought. Think hard then we shall be the perfect, judge the things positively then we shall know the truth and decide perfectly then we shall have the strength of the god.