Friday, October 26, 2012

beauty is not yet bloomed

The thing called beauty is not yet bloomed in the heart of man The man has no true heart to be a true lover; It makes the world seem hard to live It draws the wonder of earth in vain. Men just think to realize the truth of love Wandering from heart to heart, from soul to soul But still hard to fine the true love. Wandering, why it seems high Wandering, why it seems hard Wandering, why it seems unbelievable The thing called beauty is not yet bloomed in the heart of man. It makes wonder crazy It makes beauty insane Which is why, every man is in search of true love? When it is there in man’s heart and soul. Soul by soul Heart by heart Just making to believe What love mean, is true to all man.

Friday, October 12, 2012

The great soul, Mahatma Gandhi

The following article that you will be going through is speech that I delivered on the non-violence day and birthday of Gandhiji. Ladies and Gentlemen: I will talk bit about the great soul, Mahatma Gandhi: I shall not know anything about him, and of the arrangements of my thought that have made them possible, if I were not student who learnt world history. But I am not here to narrate life story and his work, but I am here to share my own view about the great soul Gandhiji. It is really amusing to know that all the men seek freedom, peace and happiness but only few try to get by themselves and try to give to others too. Today(2nd October,2012) is the great day not to India, nor to Bhutan but to all the nations on the earth. Today is 143rd anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth and also, it would be not wrong, to say that today is birthday of India as true independent nation. In the orchard of the Indian shrine and in the shadow of the fortress of India, I have seen the freest amongst us who wear true garment of freedom; that free amongst us is the true man of true world and only true child of the earth the great Mahatma Gandhi. The great Mahatma Gandhi was a true beauty of universe; as beauty is kind and gentle, might and dread, as beauty speaks in our spirit, so is great Mahatma Gandhi. His deeds rise with the dawn from the east and never fail to raise it again. He was the man, who trust his dream because he knew for in dream is hidden the gate to eternity. He was the man, for we can come to him with our hunger, and seek him for our peace. In his sweetness of friendship, we can laugh and sing our happiness out. We are aware that there are those who give little of the much which they have, and they give it for fame, recognition and to fulfill their hidden desire. And there are those who have little and give it all. Those are the believer in life and bounty life, and their coffer is never empty. So was the great Mahatma Gandhi, the true believer of bounty life and he was never alone. He gives with joy and receives with joy, and so was his living. The great soul, Gandhi did not believe in enemies; he worked on the principle that solutions emerged only from collaboration. Gandhi also believed in simplicity. He believed that anyone who was in public service should also lead a life of simplicity. And he believed that through his advocacy of nonviolence he would win freedom. So he said, "I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent." Lastly I quote; "When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it – always."

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Impact of Television on Bhutanese Youth: A Case of Gedu College and High School

The ideas that all of you will be going through focuses on the impact of Television on the youths of Gedu College and School, all the ideas and findings are not just through secondary data like articles, journals, and etc. but we gave the conclusion based on primary data that we have collected directly using Questionnaires, observation and interview. It is great opportunity to know how television as part of the modernization has affected the youths. There are many systems of modernization that have good and bad effects to the youths of all the nations on the earth. One of the popular issues this days are youth issues, i.e the youth are changing or adopting cultures and tradition which doesn’t belong to them but after the introduction of television this problem has prolonged all the way. Most of the nations are now trying to find out the ways to keep or sustain media as part of their development process. Some say that television gives basic knowledge and make them understand the world better, but some are against it. There are many articles and thesis on Television and Youths stating both positive and negative effects. This project presents the results of a study designed to test the effects and impact of television on the Bhutanese youth. Unlike previous studies, however, the impacts of such media on youth are evaluated in the context of culture and traditions. Specifically, the research examines the effects of television and its impact on youth on their behavior in terms of style and behavior. We have mainly focused on the students of Gaeddu College as well as Gedu School. The polarization debate on Impact of Television on Bhutanese Youth seems to have been inevitable. Most of the Bhutanese people love watching television and majority of them are willing to adopt the styles of other countries since they are fascinated by that. For instant the way the youth maintain their hair style and if we really observe them, we will find around hundreds of styles which is not brought in here. The direction, in which TVs are moving today, has generated enormous tension to which we have not been able to find appropriate solutions. The problem is very prompt and it has been established that the content of TVs is damaging for not only culture but society and morality as well. Although some substantial research has been done on the negative consequences of TVs across the world, the behavioral consequences and distortion of values caused by exposure to them is yet an unexplored area. Surprisingly this days Television is accelerating the adoption of new ideas and is extending into rural areas this seldom brings positive benefit to the country as well. Empirical studies conducted all over the world show that media content like television can and does influence people’s beliefs, attitudes and behavior. As par the study done by Department of Information and Media, Ministry of Information and Communication, Royal Government of Bhutan it is revealed that mass communication in Bhutan could be replacing other “socialization agents” like as parents, temples and schools. At no time in Bhutan’s history have television been such a strong force than they are now as the entertainer and news media reach more Bhutanese than ever before. These developments have come about as a result of the rapidly changing socio-economic and political situation in Bhutan. The coming of democracy has mandated an open media as a vital part of Bhutan’s transition. Television is the most powerful influence on a previously closed society. It has spurred the process of globalization (Bhutan, Media Impact Study 2008). Surprisingly Television is accelerating the adoption of new ideas and is extending into rural areas. For the first time, a generation of Bhutanese children is growing up with the Television in the home. Kezang and Whalley (2008) states, the television is a prime element in the concept of culture, one of the pillars of Gross National Happiness. The television is considered as a strong influence on culture as well as the television is an important element of Bhutanese culture. In both ways, the television is shaping Bhutanese culture. The debate on whether television diversifies the culture is a valid concern in Bhutan. In the early years of television, content was focused on information and education and was appreciated at the time. Today, we have so many channels and so many newspapers and still people feel that is not enough. Access to TV has improved tremendously and has now penetrated rural areas with the Government establishing power connections to 15,000 rural households in the final years of the Ninth Five-Year Development Plan (2005-2007) in a country of about 125,000 households (Bhutan, Media Impact Study 2008). The view given by Phuntsho (2007), Bhutan’s Buddhist spirituality and the television culture appear to be disparate, however, in the world which is inundated and influenced by the television and in which interdependencies between the television and other social systems are forged inextricably, a complete abnegation of the television culture is not even possible. The reliance of religious systems on the television is inevitable for its survival in the large society. Moreover, the ubiquity and intensity of the television have turned religious systems into the most powerful social phenomena. There is some thinker like Gev (2011), who cites that television has been a great asset of mankind since its first advent. People of all ages’ weather, child or old are interested in watching television. Television has eventually developed into a means of entertainment and resource centre. As every other thing, television too, though very useful, has got negative aspects as well. So, it’s necessary for all the elders to make right choices regarding what they and their younger watch. The person who always spent his or her time watching television is popularly known as ‘Couch Potato’ and the person who always watch television are prone to many health problems. Many research’s world-wide have also shown that people who spend comparatively more time on television have greater chance of getting heart diseases, eye problems, they become overweight and have muscle problems. It is found that young youths of different ages watch and understand television in different ways, depending on the length of their attention spans, the ways in which they process information, the amount of mental effort they invest, and their own life experiences. These variables must all be examined to gain an understanding of how television violence youths. Youth are much more likely to doubt the reality of television content and much less likely to identify with television characters. The small percentages of those who continue to believe in the reality of television and to identify with its violent heroes are the ones likely to be more aggressive, especially if they continue to fantasize about aggressive-heroic themes (Josephson, 1995). Commenting on the study, Winston (2002) told that Television is a very powerful influence on youths on everything from what they should be eating to how they should behave. According to the report in the September issue of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine the youths watch about 2.5 hours of television each day, on average and their viewing time increases during the weekend. And it is reported that the more television a youths watched, the more likely they were to demonstrate social problems and aberrant and aggressive behavior. However a more recent article by Ferguson et. al. (2007) cautioned that the literature on television and body dissatisfaction is weaker and less consistent than often claimed and that television effects have been overemphasized. Similarly recent work by Steinbrerg (2008) and Monahan (2008) has found that, using propensity score matching to control for other variables, television viewing of sexual media had no impact on teen sexual behavior in a longitudinal analysis. The recent research, conducted by Robinson (2006) and Martin (2006) from the University of Maryland, people who are not satisfied with their lives spend 30% more time watching TV than satisfied people do. The research was conducted with 30,000 people during the period between 1975 and 2006. This new study slightly contradicted previous research, which concluded that watching TV was the happiest time of the day for some people. However, Robinson (2007) commented that watching TV could bring short-time happiness, which would be just a result of an overall dissatisfaction. Television has the impending to unite communities, provide information to allow positive cultural, social and ecological change, and to create exact global community. It also has the potential to estrange, dissocialize to promote aggressive and negative behaviors, provide nonconstructive and inappropriate role models to youths, and to create unenthusiastic values. References: 1. Department of Information and Media, Ministry of Information and Communications, Royal Government of Bhutan. BHUTAN MEDIA IMPACT STUDY (2008). 2. Kezang & Jason Whalley, Do Information and Communication Technologies Further or Hinder Gross National Happiness, 4th International Conference on GNH, Thimphu, Bhutan, 2008 3. The Center for Bhutan Studies (Eds.). (2007). Media and Public Culture, Proceedinf of the Second International Seminar on Bhutan Studies. Thimphu, Bhutan: Center for Bhutan Studies. 4. Luke, C. 1988. Television and Your Child: A Guide for Concerned Parents. Toronto: TV Ontario. 5. Wendy L. Josephson, Ph.D. for the Department of Canadian Heritage, February 1995. Reprinted by the Media Awareness Network with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada. Retrieved from:, on, (12/8/2011). 6. Huston, A. C., Wright, J. C., Rice, M. L., Kerkman, D., and St. Peters, M. 1990. Development of television viewing patterns in early childhood: A longitudinal investigation. Developmental Psychology, 26, 409-420. 7. Huston, A. C., and Wright, J. C. 1989. The forms of television and the child viewer. In G. Comstock (ed.), Public Communication and Behaviors. Volume 2 (pp. 103-158). New York: Academic Press. 8. French, J., and Pena, S. 1991. Children's hero play of the 20th century: Changes resulting from television's influence. Child Study Journal, 21, 79-94. 9. Freedman, J. L. 1986. Television violence and aggression: A rejoinder. Psychological Bulletin, 100, 372-378. Retrieved from,, on (28/9/2011).

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First workshop by students of GCBS

Based on the following objectives; to emphasis the significance of the customer care and relationship, to share some of tips or techniques on customer care and relationship, to reemphasis the responsibilities of business community and to study or understand the customer care and relationship trend in Bhutanese market. The five incoming final year students of Gaeddu College of Business Studies have organized the workshop on customer care and relationship at Bumthang, Chamkhar town on 4th July, 2012. It was the first workshop organized by the students of Bhutan in such areas. The workshop was mainly accentuated on following areas; greeting, communication, complaint handling, building block of trust and role of business in the society. The organizers said that they were supported by college management, Bhutan Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Bumthang Dzongkhag, so they want to thank them for their great support and making the workshop successful. Minjur Dorji, the organizer said that the workshop was not just based on one side lecture but it was interactive workshop; where all the clients were also given the opportunities to take part in solving the given cases on daily business activities. Mr. Tashi Tobgay, a participant said, “It is a great opportunity to me as businessman to participate in such kind of workshop. I am sure that this kind of activities is very helpful to all the business community of Bhutan, so such kind of workshop has to be encouraged”. “We are just service providers, customers are the owners” was the slogan of the workshop.


On 16th and 17th August 2012, RUB 2nd Faculty Research Meet was held at Gaeddu College. It was organized by Department of Research and External Relations, RUB with the theme “Generating Reliable and Useful Knowledge, Building a Credible University”. Faculty members from different colleges under the RUB had participated in the conference. The participants presented various papers on varying topics. Some presentations are just at an early stage and many of the participants were presenting papers that they are proposing/working for their PhD programme. Open discussions were held for each papers after the presentation. The students of GCBS also took active part during the two day session. The guest Dr. Ha Vinh Tho, currently is a program coordinator of Gross National Happiness Center in Bumthang and Thimphu. On a key note address, he said that research is the searching for what is not searched or not known to anyone. Participants felt that it is a very remarkable event for them because they could present their papers in front of many seasoned researchers from within the country, sharing different views on their topics. Research in Bhutan is gaining much momentum and popularity over the years. Participants also shared and deliberated many a times on research methodology, which according to many participants, is a real problem in research. Students who took part in the session said that they have been very much benefited from the presentations and they felt that it would be of much help for them when they do research projects from now onwards. The conference ended very successfully after 17 paper presentations within a two day period.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Inter college debate competition

This debate competition was a quest for knowing what is right and wrong and was also a day of conjugation for Gaeddu College with other colleges: College of Science and Technology, Samtsi College of Education and Royal Thimphu College, under the Royal University of Bhutan, Inter alia, Global Skill Enhancement Center, the surrogate Literary club, of Gaeddu College took the initiative to organize this inter college debate competition both in Dzongkha and English on 23 May, 2012 to celebrate Sherig Centenary (100 years of modern education in Bhutan). The debate was held in the multipurpose hall of Gaeddu College. The chief guests of the day were Dr. Sonam Kinga, the vice chairman of National Council and Mr. Tshewang Jurmey, the member of National Council. The issue of dzongkha debate was “The Corporal punishment is needed in schools”. It was grounded on the state of affairs that had aroused in the nation. The situations like youth problems and discipline issues demanded the corporal punishment, which was stopped in 2008. The topic highlighted in English was on “The Rupee shortage in the country is the result of inefficient and ineffective regulation in the government system”. It was necessitated by the issue of rupee crunch in the nation. The main theme of the debate was based on “Transforming higher education through public reasoned discourses”. The four colleges were divided into two teams with four participants each. So there were four contestants from each college, two for Dzongkha and two for English debate. All the partakers took part actively in the event and made the audience vigorous listeners. The spectators gave standing ovation stating that all the contenders were winners and there were no losers. Dr. Sonam Kinga stated that there was no winner and loser in the debate as all the views and points presented had some place or recognition in a democratic society. He emphasized that all the citizens are to be aware of the situations of the nation and contribute something that can be helpful to the nation. The nation and the King can be proud of Bhutanese as they are smart and intelligent.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Ruminations on His Majesty’s first visit to Gaeddu College of Business Studies

His Majesty’s and Her Majesty, the Queen’s first visit to Gaeddu College of Business studies on May 21, 2012 was a red letter day for all the students, academicians and the non academicians of the College. The Druk Gyelpo was so happy to meet all the students and the lecturers. On the day His Majesty the King said that it is important for all the youth to know and understand the importance of education and underpinned the significance of education. This helps the development of the society in toto and all the individuals to be good beings. “Live with choices that you make” was the wisdom given to students by His Majesty. As younger generation is stronger than the old generation, the Druk Gyelpo expects much more than what he expects from parents. His Majesty emphasized the cultivation of good habits for the future leaders and has to have the will power to do what has to be done. The last words from the King were: “Do not make your good work, your obstacle and I mind you that I want capable citizens” and His Majesty concluded the speech with these words, “Make me proud”. It is the obligation of all the youths of Bhutan to treasure His Majesty’s words of insight and to be good Bhutanese, and prove that Bhutanese are capable to keep the Nation safe and secure. Never forget that Bhutanese are brave and smart.

Analytical skill: as module in Gaeddu College

Analytical skill is very essential for all the men as general. It is part of life skill, which has to be there in the livelihood of men. It is necessary for men to be a successful person in the world. It generates the thoughts of intelligent and gives strength to act on the thoughts. No men can be a good decision maker if he or she does not possess analytical skill. Analytical skill is part of academic in Gaeddu College of Business Studies. It is one of the needed and wanted skills in the students. Every field requires the analytical thinking and skills to generate new and effective ideas. In Gaeddu College all the final year students has to take the Analytical Skill as extra module. They say that the module gives them very effective skills to be in the competitive job market. In Analytical class the students are taught how to be good creative thinker, strategy to overcome difficulties, how to generate self confidence and how to built best personality. The module has no exam but it is based on case studies, creative activities and interaction. All the final students were happy with the module, because they have learnt more about the life skills. The final students of Gaeddu College of Business Studies say, “If we want to survive in the competitive world analytical thinking is must. So, Analytical Skill class helps us to build all the necessary skills.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Everything that we do and have done are just what we have seen and witnessed. As human being we do mistake and we have chance to correct it. If we do it again and again then it is not mistake but it will be called foolish. The foolishness has comes from our negligence and ignorance. It is our duty to know that correct way to understand the wise way of tackling it. Our life is full of what we call unbalance joy and sorrow. There are man who knew the truth and has become the wiser of wise. Some became wonder of wonders and beauty of beauties. We do not understand the need and want of our heart and mind, so we make it rather easy for our feeling to overcome the negative thoughts. Thousands of thoughts are there and thousands of feelings have captured our ways of living. Now it is time to understand the feelings of each man of the world. Now is the time to look into our self and witness the feelings of our heart and mind.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

More Than The Life Giver

Dear world,
All the great men of the past were created by teacher and all great men will be created by them. Now it is sole responsibility of all men to respect the teacher. Where ever men is in wrong track, the teacher helps men to realize the right path. It is the teachers' kindness and love that we are now for. We earn more than million a year and live in beautiful and expensive house. All this things are mainly because the teacher have taught us to understand and know the truth of living.
But men has not yet realized the hardship taken by our great teacher. Instead men are against the will of teacher. Teacher punish us because we have done something wrong that will effect our living in future. And so they are trying to correct us by punishing us. It is not that they are against us, it is that they love and care us.
So, mate please make sure to respect them. If we can not respect them at least do not hurt them.
They are more than the life giver!
Some giver gives and take back but teachers are not like that.
They give and they always give but never takes it back.
All the great men are their product and do understand their hardship. Please do not harm them but love them more than your true lover.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Be Gentle Man

I am sure, all are with heart and mind. I am again have no concern about your capability as man. Now I am back with thousands of new thoughts. I shall share my heart and thoughts. I shall not remain ideal now.

I say:
Come man come...
Lets begin our word of good deed
Lets not fight against each other
Lets not waste our time in sins
but lets wonder with beauty of true man.
It is now, we have to take an action
Action against evil mind
So that we could understand the true living.

Be gentle man
and serve the world............................